Reviewed by: Intermediate School Librarian Title: A Rover's Story
Author: Jasmine Warga
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Year: 2022 Good for Grades: 4-6 Genre/Type of Book: Science Fiction
Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: None Recommended for a school library: Yes Reason(s) for choosing the book: 2023 Global Read Aloud Title
If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be:
A touching, emotional read about a unique rover taking on Mars.
I originally picked up this book as it's the 2023 Global Read Aloud book for Upper Elementary/Middle Grades. I was looking for a book for my 5th grade book club and it was recommended, along with the Facebook group, full of teachers and librarians also reading this book with their students. It is the story of a rover, named Resilience that is tasked with going to Mars to rescue another rover, and gather information. Resilience isn't like any other rover though; he has feelings and emotions he shares with the reader. Through his observations, we get to meet the scientists that created him, Rania and Xander. This book is told in brief journal like entries, sprinkled with letters from Rania's daughter, Sophie, which make it an easier read and highly engaging. Every time our book club wraps up, students are begging for just one more chapter as they're so short. Our fifth graders go on the Challenger field trip at the end of the year too, so this is giving them a great into to Mars as it sprinkles in scientific information.
Number of party hats:
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