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Book Party 2023-2024: I'd Rather Burn than Bloom

I'd Rather Burn than Bloom by Shannon C.F. Rogers

Reviewed by: Heather Maneiro, High School Librarian

Title: I'd Rather Burn Than Bloom

Author: Shannon C.F. Rogers

Publisher: Felwel & Friends

Year: 2023

Good for Grades: 9-12

Genre/Type of Book: Realistic Fiction

Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: Alcohol

Recommended for a school library: Yes

Reason(s) for choosing the book: Available now YA choice on Libby:)

If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be:

When your tie to your home and culture is gone, how do you know how to continue, where do you now fit-in?


Abstract and Mini-Review
When your tie to your home and culture is gone, how do you know how to continue, where do you now fit-in?

Marisol has always had a difficult relationship with her Filipina mother.  When her mother suddenly passes away in a car accident (driving to work after a fight with Marisol), Marisol must now resolve the guilt and her unresolved feelings for her mother.  Marisol's mother served as the matriarch of the house bring the Filipino-American community.  Now that she is gone, Marisol doesn't know where she fits in.

Recommendation Justification
Students of immigrant parents will definitely connect with the mixture of cultures and the search for belonging.

Uses in the Library/Classroom
Studying of ancestry, heritage, immigration and similar topics through life and personal stores and connections.

Appropriateness of Artwork
Striking cover showing pieces of Marisol and her heritage.

Number of party hats:


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