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Book Party 2024-2025: She's Gone

She's Gone by David Bell

Reviewed by: Becki Truelson, High School Librarian

Title: She's Gone

Author: David Bell

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire

Year: 2022

Good for Grades: 9-12

Genre/Type of Book: Mystery/Thriller

Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: Teacher coming on to student, harassment

Recommended for a school library: No

Reason(s) for choosing the book: Was up for a good thriller

If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be: 


There was a car accident on the night of Homecoming. Hunter wakes in a hospital and learns that Chloe, his girlfriend and passenger, has been missing since the night of the accident.  Hunter remembers nothing from the accident, but many people suspect him of knowing what happened to Chloe.  He endures harassment from his classmates and pressure from Chloe’s family and the police to reveal what he knows. When Hunter finds out that one of his former friends is making a true-crime documentary about the case, things take a turn. Does Hunter know more than he is sharing or is there something or someone else who is holding secrets? 

I had high hopes for this book.  The premise and description made me think I would be on the edge of my seat.  This was not the case as I could not buy in to the story from the start. With a tragic accident and a girl missing, you would expect some strong emotions from Hunter and from others who loved Chloe. The accident was brushed over and the focus was who knew what, instead of the horror of a missing girl. I felt that this book minimized the seriousness of death and the importance of processing trauma. The resolution was disappointing and not totally believable.  Not a mystery/thriller I would recommend.  

Number of party hats:


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For more information about this book, see the Publishers Website