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Book Party 2024-2025: Death's Country

Death's Country by R.M. Romero

Reviewed by: Heather Maneiro, High School Librarian

Title: Death's Country

Author: R.M. Romero

Publisher: Peachtree Teen

Year: 2024

Good for Grades: 9-12

Genre/Type of Book: Fantasy

Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: Polyamorous relationships

Recommended for a school library: Yes

Reason(s) for choosing the book: Cybils Speculative Fiction Summer Review

If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be: If you make a deal with the devil, you better be ready when payment comes due.


Andres meets death and makes a deal.  One year later, Andres is a completely changed person.  Andres anger has been replaced with love.  Love for his girlfriends, Renee and Liora.  The trio is living a summer to remember filled with music, the beach, and love.

Then one night, Renee contacts Andres frantically.  Liora is not responding.  Liora has been in a car accident.  Renee has a plan.  They need to go to the underworld to retrieve Liora’s spirit and bring her back.  But the Liora they find in the underworld does not know or recognize them.  This Liora has a very different history, and truths about why Liora has kept her family and life secret from them are revealed.

Finally, if Andres meets death a second time, will his deal come due?  Is he ready to pay the price?

Verdict:  The premise seems like a home run, but I wasn’t particularly taken with the story itself.  I wasn’t a huge fan, so I don’t believe I will be ordering a copy for my library.  Students who love myth may love this retelling of Orpheus and Euridice.  Being a novel in verse may also be a draw for some.

Number of party hats:


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