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Book Party 2024-2025: No Going Back

No Going Back by Patrick Flores-Scott

Reviewed by: Becki Truelson, High School Librarian

Title: No Going Back

Author: Patrick Flores-Scott

Publisher: Christy Ottaviano Books

Year: 2024

Good for Grades: 9-12

Genre/Type of Book: Realistic Fiction

Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: Drug and alcohol use, addiction, criminal activity, mature language

Recommended for a school library: Yes

Reason(s) for choosing the book: It is on my list of books to be considered for purchase

If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be: 


Antonio has just been released from Zephyr, a juvenile detention center where he has been serving a sentence for robbery. That may sound clear cut, but the back story is full of decisions and circumstances that led to his sentence. Antonio leaves Zephyr with the determination to follow the rules of his probation and get himself back on track. As is usually the case, this is easier said than done and he finds himself struggling to break ties with the people and places from his past. 

This was a great book. The author successfully dealt with various themes by creating compelling characters.  The overarching theme was the struggle between the desire to do what you know is right while returning to the situations that caused you to do wrong in the first place. Antonio must face the fallout from his mother’s serious illness, meet a brand-new baby sister who was born while he was gone, try to reconcile an abusive relationship with his father, and attend AA meetings to help him stay sober. His friends who were allies in his crimes are still there waiting for him when he gets home.  

This book will resonate with my male students who face similar lives as Antonio. A unique aspect of this YA novel is that Antionio’s parents are present and a large part of this story.  Most YA books purposely leave parental figures in the backgrounds of their stories.  Antonio strived to make his mother proud, and he grappled with his relationship with his father, who was the first person in his life to lead him down the wrong path. There was one character who I wish every young man could have in their life – Claudio, Antonio’s stepfather. Claudio was an imperfect person who successfully got his life back on track.  He never judged, but shared wisdom with Antonio and allowed Antonio to find his path while serving as a sounding board and soft place to land.  

I really can’t do this book justice in a review.  It is the best YA book with a young male protagonist that I have read in some time.  I will be ordering a couple of copies for my library and promoting it to as many students as I can! 

Number of party hats:


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