Reviewed by: Heather Maneiro, High School Librarian Title: Our Divine Mischief
Author: Hanna Howard
Publisher: Blink YA (Harper Collins)
Year: 2023 Good for Grades: 9-12 Genre/Type of Book: Fantasy
Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: None
Recommended for a school library: Yes Reason(s) for choosing the book: Cybils Speculative Fiction nominee
If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be:
Who determines your destiny?
Abstract and Mini-Review
Áila returns from her Goddess Trial with no answer – the goddess Yslet did not even show up, instead she meets Orail, a dog (but so much more) . So Áila is tasked by the elders to go through a series of Trials to obtain her calling. Áila is then paired with Hew who has received through his trial the designation of Unblessed. This indomitable crew must thus prove their worthiness and perhaps just save the community as a whole. Angus Yellowlees, Elle Newlandsm, Cathleen McCarron narrated this book so superbly. I especially enjoyed the singing. I did have to slow down the speed as my ears struggle a bit with the Scottish accent and I did get lost at times. I will need to go back to take this book in a second time in print, I believe, in order to better enjoy it (or perhaps it will be optioned for a film!) Despite it being part of my heritage, Scottish lore and tradition are not well-known to me, so I also probably missed quite a bit there. I didn’t get a lot from the first go, but I think it is worth a second try.
Recommendation Justification
Cybils Speculative Fiction nominee
Uses in the Library/Classroom
Could be a good literature circle choice to pair with other mythology/god trial books such as Percy Jackson.
Appropriateness of Artwork
I love the artistic print on the cover with Áila facing Hew with Orail in the middle.
Number of party hats:
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