Reviewed by: Taylor Coonelly, Elementary School Librarian Title: A Love Letter to My Library
Author: Lisa Katzenberger
Illustrator: Rob Sayegh Jr.
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Year: 2024 Good for Grades: PK-2 Genre/Type of Book: Picture book
Content Warnings, or things that other School Librarians should be aware of: N/A Recommended for a school library: Yes Reason(s) for choosing the book: Loved the cover and intrigued by anything mentioning libraries
If you were tasked by the publisher with writing a short quote for the back cover of this book, what would it be:
A love letter to the most special place on Earth...the library!
Each page beginning with the words 'Dear Library, thank you for...", this simple picture book highlights all of the things that can make the library a special place for children. Books filling the shelves, cozy story times and personal reading nooks, books of all shapes and sizes, access to technology and more are featured as special moments and experiences that children and families can have at the library. The illustrations feature characters and people of different race and ethnicities, and people of all ages enjoying the library space. The text is simple and repetitive, making it easily understandable and fun for readers.
I fell in love with this book the moment I saw it. Any book that mentions libraries and their importance is an automatic win for me, and especially one that does that in a colorful picture book format to be enjoyed by kids and families. The illustrations and colorful and textured, and the message of a thank you sentence on each page makes it more meaningful. The cover is appealing and eye-catching, and I think would draw in readers who are no only library/book lovers. The message of the importance of libraries is one that is especially poignant today, with all that libraries can offer for free for families. I think that this book would be a really fun read-aloud to do in a library story time, and you could do an activity with students writing letters or what they love about the library as a display.
Number of party hats:
For more information about this book, see the Publisher's Website