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SLS News Archive: 2019.01.03

SLS NewsBlast 2019.01.03

SLS NewsBlast 2019.01.03

Happy New Year!

School librarians make a difference! 

While we all know this already, a little reaffirmation never hurts.  I hope you enjoy the article, “The Difference a School Librarian Can Make, According to One Dad,” from Penguin Random House’s Brightly Newsletter, found at:

NYLA’s School Librarian Census. 

Thank you if you already responded to the brief survey in the following request!  If not, this is a gentle reminder to take a moment to read the following, and respond to the brief survey (otherwise, the data I report will just make my best guess):

In order to provide data to further the goal of a certified school librarian in every NY school library, NYLA is again asking the School Library Systems to collect data about staffing in the schools in their region.  Information on individual schools or districts will not be reported/shared, but will be analyzed to show staffing trends across the state, particularly in areas of need.  To assist in this data collection, kindly take a moment to respond to the brief survey.

Please respond by Friday, January 5, 2019.

Upcoming Professional Development

Our School Library System Maker Monday series continues for the second half of the school year.  For a listing of all of our offerings and registration information, please see the attached flyer.

Additionally, the Monroe One BOCES Model Schools service is offering a Makey Makey (STEAM and Curriculum Integration) workshop on March 14 (all day, flyer linked below).  

There is a cost to attend, but all Monroe One component districts participate in Model Schools, so you would register at the subscriber rate.  To register go to

Wishing you a wonderful, rewarding 2019!

Your Monroe One BOCES Library Services Team