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Automation: Destiny

For Help...

If you need help with Follett, contact:

Sally Bailey
(585) 383-6601


Custom Carousel

This tutorial explains how to create a custom carousel in Destiny Discover.

(After you click the play button, click the double arrow in the lower right corner to make it full screen.)

Destiny Collections


Destiny is a complete library and resource management system that can be accessed from anywhere, 24/7, helping to strengthen the bond between the library, classroom and home.

We are now in Version 18.3.

Updates announced in 5/13 Council Meeting

Coming this summer:

  • Destiny Discover will have a unified interface across all web applications.
  • Discover will include the ability to import resource lists that have over 100 titles.
  • Improved Reporting for Destiny Discover - usage, most searched books, and most read eBooks.

  • In July, the simplified theme is going to go away for a short period of time for them to unify all the interfaces. Follett aims to have it back by late fall/early winter.

Note from Sally: I would encourage you to have your Teachers and Students use Destiny Discover, instead of the Classic Interface. Discover is where all the improvements are being made and is ADA Compliant. If you would like this to be the default search for them, let me know and I can set it. 

Updates announced in 3/4 Council Meeting

Currently the status of “in quarantine” is not accounted for in the inventory process. So if you begin an Inventory and the book is in the quarantine status, you will have to scan it into Inventory when it comes out. 

In Destiny Discover, you can now edit and delete reviews. 


Coming in April: Version 18.4 

You can upload title images in Discover. It will take a few hours for them to appear after upload. 

If the District is using Auto-Quarantine sites can decide to Opt Out.  

In Report builder they have added the option to limit by null. 

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