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Here for your Professional Learning needs!

Welcome to the Monroe One School Library System Professional Learning Guide. You can find any of our electronic handouts from past workshops, a calendar of upcoming workshops with links to register, and more.

The next tab over is a discussion board where we can ask questions and communicate with each other in a central location. You must have a LibGuides account in order to participate in the discussion board, so if you do not have one, please contact Liesl Toates to get one set up for you.

Academic OneFile Info

Use Academic OneFile to access Knowledge Quest, the Journal of the American Association of School Librarians, and American Libraries, the Magazine of the American Library Association.

As this resource is provided by NOVELny, you can use the geolocator to log into Academic OneFile. If you are trying to log in at home, you can use your NYS driver's license to gain entry.

Academic OneFile

School Libraries Impact Studies & Articles

We all know that school librarians make a huge difference for student achievement and well-being, but sometimes those facts get overlooked. We've collected articles and impact studies so that you have them at your fingertips whenever you need them.

Use the tabs above to navigate to what you need.

The Impact of School Libraries on Student Achievement: Exploring the School Library Impact Studies (2010)

Jamie Helgren, LRS Research Fellow, and Keith Curry Lance, consultant at RSL Research and former Director of the Library Research Service, discuss the impact of school libraries on student achievement in this seven part video series, produced by Sean Lamborne, LRS Research Fellow, in November 2010. View the videos below, or on Vimeo at

Statewide school library impact studies have been conducted in many U.S. states. A handful are listed below, starting with New York State.

Reports from other States:

Collection Development

Collection Renewal

What a gloriously uplifting term! What it really means?


Whether you've just inherited an old collection, you haven't had the time to look at your catalog, your administrators or school culture doesn't like to get rid of books, or you have difficulty making those difficult decisions yourself, you most likely have a collection that needs to be weeded. It's a struggle that School Librarians face continuously.

Time marches on.

And on,

and on...

And as we purchase new materials, we need to consistently weed out old materials. Therefore, we'll be spending some time writing posts that provide information vital to keeping your collection up to date, easy to navigate, and useful for your students.

Today we're going to start with WHY?

Weeding your school's library collection is vital for a variety of reasons:

  1. Weeding helps to keep the information in your collection up to date and relevant.
  2. Students will be better able to find the books they want or need.
  3. If you don't weed, you will eventually run out of space.
  4. A clean, weeded library shows that the librarian cares about the collection and the patrons who access it.

Yes, we know you already know all of this. But sometimes it's difficult to put into action, and sometimes it's even more difficult to convey it to others. So here are some articles you can share when you need to convince someone else.

Weeding to Let My Collection Grow by Christine James (Knowledge Quest, 2017)

Weeding without Worry (American Libraries, 2016)

Keeping Your Library Collection Smelling F.R.E.S.H! (The Adventures of Library Girl, Oct 2013)

From Managing and Analyzing Your Collection: A Practical Guide for Small Libraries and School Media Centers by Carol A. Doll and Pamela Petrick Barron (, 2002)

Most importantly: Before you dive into a full-blown weeding session, make sure you know your school policy on removing library resources from the collection. We hope these resources are helpful to you.


The first tab in this box is about weeding and about how keeping your collection clean can help your students to find quality, up-to-date resources. In this tab we look at two extremely popular weeding methods. Of course, first, you should be aware of your library's collection policy and whether it lists criteria to consider when weeding.

CREW: Texas State Library and Archives Commission, out of Austin, Texas, put together this very widely used weeding manual, (CREW stands for Continuous Review, Evaluation, and Weeding). This manual outlines why, how, when, and how much to weed. It also includes a checklist of weeding factors. Criteria starts on page 15 and asks you to consider (among other things) the needs of your patrons, the usefulness of your items, and the availability of similar items in a digital format.

FRESH: Jennifer LaGarde, a.k.a. Library Girl offers tips for keeping your collection "fresh", and this is specific to school libraries.
(Click the "FRESH" link above for a full post about her method.)

Some weeding resources are linked below for your convenience:

The Art of Weeding | Collection Management (Library Journal, 2015)

Weeding Your School Library Collection (National Library of New Zealand)

Less is More: A Practical Guide to Weeding School Library Collections (Book from ALAstore)

If you have 33 minutes to spare, have a listen to episode 36 of the Dewey Decibel podcast (brought to you by American Libraries). This episode, titled "Spring Cleaning: Weeding Your Collections" covers all different aspects of the weeding process. It even covers weeding intangible items such as ebooks.

For more Dewey Decibel, see:

Library Makerspaces

Having trouble making an argument for having a Makerspace in your library? Check out the articles linked below.