This is just my working page for different ways to incorporate digital or virtual book displays into a LibGuide page. Each box down the middle of the page shows a different technique for displaying new books (I'm using a couple of new ebooks that Katie purchased for SORA as an example).
Examples for each tool are in the left column, tool names are notated at the top in the blue header. Notes about each example are in the right column.
I plan to put together a quick PD on these in January, depending on how things are going pandemic-wise.
I really like the animations that are built into Canva. It has an easy pull code and embed process. To create this one, I used a template, added and linked pictures. The animations were already built into the template.
Canva has an education package that is free for teachers and students. However, they are not EdLaw 2d compliant, so you can sign up for it, but you cannot make your students sign up for it. If you do not already have an account, when you sign up for Canva it will ask you what you're planning to use it for. Choose: Teacher
Next you will need to be verified:
I would recommend choosing "Get verified now" and starting the process. I have had my canva account for a long time, so I don't recall how long it took to be verified. If you don't get verified now, you can do it later, but you will have to do some searching in their site to find the links to do it.
Use the link in the box to the left for a tutorial on using Google Slides to promote books.
This is an extremely easy way to display books in your LibGuide, but if you're looking for something flashy, this might not be your best choice. This is great for booklist-type displays.
If you're trying to highlight brand new books, I've noticed that when choosing the "Book from the Catalog" option, LibGuides almost never finds the title. For this display, I've used "Gallery" for box type, and then chosen "Image". I added a caption to it for the title and description. It seems to work just fine. I like that it shows the entire image, and there are lots of options for how you want it displayed.
This is an easy to use display built directly into LibGuides without having to log into anything externally.
During the first session, someone asked about creating a custom carousel. To the left is a tutorial on how to do this in Follett Destiny Discover.