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NYPL Resources: NYPL Resources

NYPL Resources

NYPL Links


Use your NYPL Card number and password to directly access the full archives of these newspapers:

Gannett (local papers, including the D&C):


List of all Newspaper/Magazine Resources:

Main Catalog


Profile Photo
Brian Regan



Use your NYPL Library Card number and password to access these online databases:

Explora High School - Searches across multiple databases including Academic Search Premier (full-text magazines and scholarly journals) and MasterFILE Premier (full-text magazines, reference books, primary source documents, and multimedia), with content geared toward high-school students. Articles available in Spanish and French. (Grades 9–12)

Learning Express Library - Test preparation and practice exams in Math and English Language Arts for elementary-, middle-, and high-school students. Tests include: PSAT, SAT, ACT, AP exams, and the GED replacement TASC. (Grades 4–12)

Literature Resource Center - Features information on literary figures from all time periods in such genres as fiction, nonfiction, poetry, drama, history, and journalism. (Grades 6–12)

U.S. History in Context - Database of most-studied U.S. history topics. Includes primary source documents. (Grades 6–12)

World History in Context - A collection of full-text periodicals, reference works, and primary documents that cover the events, movements, and individuals that have shaped world history. (Grades 6–12)

World Book Online - Encyclopedia articles, maps, and activities for all ages. Includes eBooks and Spanish Language resources. (Grades 2–12)


Download these apps to your phones/tablets for easy access.