Explain how population growth impacts one of the following global topics and offer an idea for a sustainable solution. The global topics are: Climate Change, Gender Equality, Waste.
We suggest having your project topic pre-approved. To do so, email your topic to nconard@lowellmilkencenter.org by February 15th. (This step is NOT a requirement; you may choose to enter the competition without having your topic approved.) Projects are due July 1, 2023
The 2022 $100,000 G2 Overachievers Grant will be awarded by Pilot Pen to one exceptional individual who goes beyond their everyday jobs and responsibilities to give back to their community and improve the lives of others. Entrants will need to submit 1,000 to 2,500 handwritten words expressing how they or someone they know is overachieving in this way. DEADLINE 12/15/2022