Our Model Schools Service and our School Library System (SLS) both loan makerspace items and robotics kits to educators in schools in the Monroe One Region. Pictured below are the kits that are available. Click on each item to read more about it. (Click it again to make the text disappear.)
The School Library System only loans to librarians. If you are a teacher and would like to borrow an SLS kit, please collaborate with your librarian.
Full instructions for borrowing are at the bottom of the page.
Our Model Schools Department, Multimedia and School Library System collaborate to bring physical kits to you through our Media Manager. You can view the available items from each service in the boxes below, however, to book the items, you must do this through our Media Manager.
Returning Items
Please return your items to the place in your school where you picked them up on the morning that they are due. Our couriers will know to pick them up. If you need to keep the items longer, you may contact Luke Barber or Liesl Toates to find out if it is possible to get an extension.