20-In-4-FOR-MORECheck out SHS's awesome, new 20-in-4 categorization this school year! MHS too will be the equivalent version for our collection. Stay tuned.
American History
American HistoryAmerican History books culled for independent reading assignment in APUSH classes. But you needn't wait until your junior year! Get started now on a wealth of interesting titles about our nation's history, in all its manifestations.
Banned or Challenged Books
Banned or Challenged BooksEvery year, community members across the country request both public and school libraries to remove certain books from their shelves for a variety of reasons (language, sexuality, politics, religion, race, etc.). Librarians, to our credit, typically stand their ground. This resource list will give you an idea of which books are challenged (and sometimes actually banned) by year. They reflect our social, political and cultural evolution.
Math and Math Related ReadsThese titles are all connected in some fashion to math and make for engaging reading for those interested in broadening their concepts of math beyond classroom content.
MemoirsMemoirs frequently offer an emotional punch that other non-fiction does not and this area of our collection has been nearly doubled in the last two years. Check out the best and newest editions to this genre here.
Popular Psych TitlesThis resource list was compiled for students in our Psychology classes but they will appeal to general readers as well. Some of my personal favorites here!
New Books!
New Books!One of the newest (and coolest) resources in our collection is this ever expanding list of new books - conveniently organized by Dewey classifications (see me if you have no idea what these are). We spend over $10,000 a year on new books. Everything we purchased is here for your browsing pleasure. Get lost (in a good way).
Monroe County Public Library SystemThe Monroe County Library System (MCLS) is an association of independent public libraries working together to improve library services for residents of Monroe County. The MCLS was chartered by the New York State Board of Regents in 1954 and is directed by a board of trustees appointed by the Monroe County Legislature. MCLS members include the libraries of sixteen towns, two villages, a school district and the City of Rochester. Each member library is governed by an independent board of trustees and funded by local taxes.
The Black ExperienceROC2Change is a group of students and advisers from Monroe County who've come together to address race relations in their communities. The list here provides a wealth of titles on the issue of race and, hopefully, a launch point for a community wide reading.
Black History MonthTab through elementary and secondary tabs on landing page.
Science Books
Living Environment BooksOne of our most popular book lists, this offering is loaded with titles of interest specifically to environmentally minded students but students of other general science fields as well. There's a lot here. Spend some time browsing the virtual shelf!
LGBTQThis site offers a number of resources that contextualize and explain LGBTQ issues in addition to books with these themes at both MHS and SHS.
Social Studies
Social StudiesOne of my personal favorites (I was a history major in college), this site is just the beginning of a trove of titles that cover a number of topics falling under the heading of "social studies." Browse at will... or ask for recommendations!
TED Books
TED BooksWhat? TED Books? Yeah, its a thing now. Defying convention, something digital (TED Talks) has found its way back to print! TED Books are relatively short (100 pages +/-) but offer a slightly greater depth that their accompanying videos. These are my new favorite thing in the library. Check 'em out!
World VoicesPCSD schools recently conducted a library audit to determine the cultural diversity of our collection. This link is a great way to dive deeply into our world voices fiction offerings. There is a lot of great material here to offer us glimpse into the lives of those different than our own.