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NoodleTools is a tool that is used for creating citations, outlines and note cards. It can be used while working independently or during the collaboration process.

In-Text Citations

Be sure to give credit to your sources within your research paper, in addition to your works cited page!

  • In MLA formatting this is done with parenthetical citations
  • Use parentheses when quoting or paraphrasing
Number of Authors/Editors Format of In-Text Citation

(Authors Last Name Page Number)

Example: (Mangefrida 1).


(Authors Last Name and Authors Last Name Page Number)

Example: (Mangefrida and Forte 1).

Three or More

(Authors Last Name et al. Page Number)

Example: (Mangefrida et al. 1).


  • Include period for the end of the sentence after parenthesis
  • When quoting, put quotation marks before parenthesis
  • Example: "This is a quote" (Mangefrida 1).


What if there is no author?

If there is no known author, use the first few words of the title of your resource in place of the authors name.  Put the title in italics!

Example: (Library Resource 3).


What if there is no page number?

If there is no page number, cite only the authors last name.

Example: (Mangefrida). 


Need more information? Check out the guide below:

Still confused? Stop by to see Mrs. Mangefrida in the library!


Purdue Owl

Purdue Owl is a great resource for information on citations.

What is Plagiarism?

What is Plagiarism?

"Presenting work or ideas from another source as your own, with or without consent of the original author...(Oxford Students)"

Avoid Plagiarism

AI and Plagiarism