
Joe Turner's Come and Gone: Home

Joe Turner's Come and Gone

Background for Joe Turner's Come and Gone

The Middle Passage

The Middle Passage

  1. Benson, Sonia, et al. "Slave Ships and the Middle Passage." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History
  2. Hylton, Raymond Pierre. "The Middle Passage to American Slavery." Great Events from History: The Seventeenth Century 1601-1700
  3. "Middle Passage." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica
  4. "Middle Passage." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
  5. Mustakeem, Sowande. "Slave Women and the Middle Passage." American History
  6. Todd, Mark. "Middle Passage." Dictionary of American History


The Great Migration

The Great Migration

  1. Adams, Luther J. "Great Migration." Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History
  2. Benson, Sonia, et al. "Great Migration." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History
  3. Ciment, James, and Sam Hitchmough. "Migration, Great." Encyclopedia of the Jazz Age
  4. "Great Migration." Britannica Academic, Encyclopædia Britannica
  5. "Great Migration, 1910–70." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. Economic History
  6. Williams, Chad L. "Great Migration." Encyclopedia of War and American Society



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Brian Regan