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Of Mice and Men

Intro Articles

Use these articles to become familiar with your topic.  They are drawn from our databases and e-books, and include MLA citations (typically at the bottom - also listed below this box).

Citations for Articles


"Steinbeck, John." Gale Contextual Encyclopedia of American Literature, vol. 4, Gale, 2009, pp. 1522-1526. Gale Virtual Reference Library,

New Deal:

"The New Deal." Gale Encyclopedia of U.S. History: Government and Politics, Gale, 2009. Student Resources in Context,

Great Depression:

Benson, Sonia, et al. "Great Depression." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History, vol. 3, UXL, 2009, pp. 651-656. Student Resources in Context,

Dust Bowl:

Benson, Sonia, et al. "Dust Bowl." UXL Encyclopedia of U.S. History, vol. 2, UXL, 2009, pp. 466-468. Student Resources in Context,

Migrant Workers:

Westphal, Chris. "Migrant Labor." American History, ABC-CLIO, 2017,


"Minority Groups and the Great Depression." Great Depression and the New Deal Reference Library, edited by Allison McNeill, et al., vol. 1: Almanac, UXL, 2003, pp. 172-186. Gale Virtual Reference Library,

Women's Roles:

Miles, Lisa. "Women." Encyclopedia of the Great Depression and the New Deal, edited by James Ciment, Sharpe Reference, 2013, pp. 694-699. Gale Virtual Reference Library,


"Works Progress Administration." Great Depression and the New Deal Reference Library, edited by Allison McNeill, et al., vol. 1: Almanac, UXL, 2003, pp. 81-95. Gale Virtual Reference Library,


Student Resources in Context

A good general purpose database.  Start here for most topics.

Offsite password: empirelink or sutherland

ABC-CLIO History

Cross-Search 7 HISTORY Databases. 
Be sure to explore ALL of your results.

Offsite username: sutherland
password: school

All E-Books

A large collection of Reference Titles in E-book form.   Our collection is strong for history and biographical subjects.

Offsite password: empirelink or sutherland

Topic-Specific E-Books

Covers the failure of the U.S. economy and its gradual recovery, with special attention to the New Deal.

This reference traces all the major political, economic, social, and cultural movements, as well as the principal events, people, and institutions, of the longest and most severe economic crisis in U.S. history.

MLA 8 Citation Guide
