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MLA Citation Guide (MLA 8th Edition) with permission from Seneca Library: Business Reports from Library Databases

A comprehensive guide to cite sources.

Report from Business Source Premier

Title of Report. Name of Company that Published the Report, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers. Business Source Premier. 

Works Cited List Example

Microsoft Corporation. MarketLine, 4 Sept. 2015, pp. 1-40. Business Source Premier. 

 Note: Reports found in Business Source Premier will say they are published either by Datamonitor or MarketLine. View the full report to confirm.

In-Text Citation Example

(Title of Report Page Number)

Example: (Microsoft Corporation 14)


"Name of Media." CARDOnline Lite, Rogers Digital Media, Date of Publication.  

Works Cited List Example

"" CARDOnline Lite, Rogers Digital Media2016. 

In-Text Citation Example

("Name of Media")

Example: ("")

Report from MarketLine Advantage

"Title of Report." MarketLine Advantage, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.  

Works Cited List Example

"South Korea: In-depth PESTLE Insights." MarketLine Advantage1 Aug. 2015, pp. 1-85.

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Report" Page Number)

Example: ("South Korea" 17)

Report from Mintel

Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report." Mintel, Date of Publication. 

Works Cited List Example

Wong-Li, Carol. "Marketing to Millennials - Canada - January 2016." Mintel, Jan. 2016.

In-Text Citation Example

(Author's Last Name)

Example: (Wong-Li)

 Note: This report has no page numbers so this information is left out of the in-text citation.

Report from LexisNexis

"Title of Report." LexisNexis Academic Universe, Date of Publication.  

Works Cited List Example

"Nestle S.A." LexisNexis Academic Universe, 2016. 

In-Text Citation Example

(Name of Company)

Example: (Nestle)

Report from Passport GMID with a Title

"Title of Report." Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, Date of Publication. 

Works Cited List Example

"Beer in Canada." Passport GMID, Euromonitor International30 June 2015. 

In-Text Citation Example

("Title of Article")

Example: ("Beer")

 Note: Write the first word or words from your description using quotation marks.

Information from Passport GMID without a Title (Charts, Tables, etc.)

Description of information. Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, Date of Publication.  

Works Cited List Example

Market sizes of alcoholic drinks in North America. Passport GMID, Euromonitor International, 2016.

In-Text Citation Example

(Description of Information)

Example: (Market sizes)

 Note: Write the first word or words from your description.

Company Profile Information from Scott's Directories

"Name of Company." Scott's Directories - National Business, Date of Publication. 

Works Cited List Example

"Better Bitters." Scott's Directories - National Business, 2016.

In-Text Citation Example

("Name of Company")

Example: ("Better Bitters")

Information from PMB without a Title (Charts, Tables, Statistics, etc.)

Description of information. PMB Product Data, Vividata, Quarter Number Year.  

Works Cited List Example

Airlines personally used - Air Canada. PMB Product Data, Vividata, Q1 2016.

In-Text Citation Example

(Description of Information)

Example: (Airlines)

 Note: Write the first word or words from your description.

Report from WGSN

Author's Last Name, Author's First Name. "Title of Report." WGSN, Date of Publication, pp. Page Numbers.

Works Cited List Example

Hudson, Ella. "Pretty Embellishment." WGSN, 15 June 2016, pp. 1-7.

In-Text Citation Example

(Author's Last Name Page Number)

Example: (Hudson 6)