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CRMS 6th Grade English Artist Research: Home

What is art and why does it matter? Students will use resources on this guide to conduct research on an artist of their choice.

Research Task

“If art is to nourish the roots of our culture,
society must set the artist free to follow his vision wherever it takes him.”

~ John F. Kennedy

Essential Question: Why does art matter?


As a researcher, you will explore the world of art through the work of an artist of your choosing. You will explore the artist, their work, and their influence or impact. You will need to cite evidence from published sources. You will gather notes in a graphic organizer (citing your sources). Then, you will create a "Zen PowerPoint" to share what you have learned with your peers.

Pro Tip! Choose an artist that interests you and is well-established with a recognized body of work. This will ensure that you enjoy reading about the artist and that you will have success locating credible, published information.

Citation Lesson Videos

Why Do We Cite?

Encyclopedia Britannica Citation Video

Book Source Citation Worksheet Lesson

Gale Database Citation Lesson

Website Source Citation Lesson

Encyclopedia Britannica

Remote Password: empirelink

CRMS Library Catalog

Google Custom Search Engine

If the library does not have a book on your artist, use the custom Google search box below to search for a credible website with information on your artist. The first 4 results will be ads, scroll beyond those results to find credible website results.

Gale in Context: High School

Remote Password: empirelink

Zen PowerPoint

Example Presentation - Ansel Adams


Zen Design Lesson Video