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Hamlet Research: Home

Hamlet Research


JSTOR is a collection of Journal Articles, Primary Sources and Books.  Recommended for more advanced research needs.

Offsite user: sutherlandhs
password: school


Gale E-Books

A large collection of Reference Titles in E-book form.   Our collection is strong for history and biographical subjects.

Offsite password: empirelink or sutherland

Bloom's Literature

Bloom's Literature

Username: pitt-sutherhs
Password: knights

Search tips/strategies

Search tips/strategies:

Include Hamlet and a key word in your search:

ex. Hamlet and Women -OR- Hamlet and Literary Criticism

Pay close attention to tabs and limiters in your search results.  Example:

Bloom's Literature returns results on multiple tabs and Criticism is NOT the one on top.

Keep an eye on the autofill in the search bar - it will often suggest a correct search subject heading.


English and Literature

Library Catalog - Link
