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Race Matters: Teaching Resources Around Race: Fiction Titles

This LibGuide is a culmination of a library department collegial circle on constructive race conversations. The purpose of this LibGuide is to provide BRMS and CRMS teachers with vetted anti-racism resources. These resources can be used for one's own pers

Race Matters...middle and YA level fiction for teaching around race

race matters banner

Identity Fiction

This list includes middle grade and young adult fiction titles around identity topics such as names, privilege, colorism, hair, code-switching, and other themes of coming-of-age stories. 

Racism Fiction

This list includes middle grade and young adult fiction titles around topics of discrimination and systemic racism such as microaggressions, school-to-prison pipeline, police violence, crime and punishment, media bias, etc.

Social Justice Fiction

This list includes middle grade and young adult fiction titles around social justice themes such as activism, protest, civil right, voting right, etc.
