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Program of Studies: FOR PARENTS - Overview and Introduction


Welcome parents! Please watch the Program of Studies Overview featured below then videos about department electives of interest (boxes on the right). To view recorded elective presentations that your children saw in school, go to the 8-Go-9 Electives or Grade 9,10,11 Electives tabs above. To find information on all other course offerings for core content subject areas, refer to the Core Content Courses FAQ tab above. Lastly, detailed information on Eastern Monroe Community College (EMCC) offerings can be found in the video link below and EMCC Programs tab above. 

Program of Studies Overview

Program of Studies Overview - Presenters:

  • Melissa Julian, MHS Principal
  • Eric Domroes, MHS Counseling Department Leader


Eastern Monroe Career Center - EMCC


Program of Studies 2024-25

The High School Program of Studies guide is updated yearly and provides information regarding high school graduation requirements, academic counseling services and course offerings. In addition, the AP Profile Handbook describes the advanced placement course opportunities the Pittsford School District offers. Both high schools have a counseling staff that can provide guidance and answer questions to help navigate student academic program choices.


Art Electives

Business Electives

Music Electives

Technology Electives