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East of Eden


JSTOR is a collection of Journal Articles, Primary Sources and Books.  Recommended for more advanced research needs.

Offsite user: sutherlandhs
password: school


English and Literature

Steinbeck Quarterly Journal

The Steinbeck Quarterly Journal digital collection consists of volumes of the Steinbeck Quarterly originally published by the John Steinbeck Society of America from 1968-1993.

Gale E-Books

A large collection of Reference Titles in E-book form.   Our collection is strong for history and biographical subjects.

Offsite password: empirelink or sutherland

Gale in Context: High School

A good general purpose database.  Start here for most topics.

Offsite password: empirelink or sutherland

Google Books/Scholar

Search millions of digitized books.

Search millions of journal articles and research papers.

Bloom's Literature

Bloom's Literature

Username: pitt-sutherhs
Password: knights

Library Catalog - Link
